Our application process follows the three simple steps below. We advise that before you register your child you have arranged an individual visit to Gateways or that you attend our Open Day which is usually held in October. In the majority of cases you will have visited the school and met the relevant member of staff (Head of High School, Head of Prep or Head of Early Years) before you complete the registration form.
If you are considering Gateways School for your child please complete the registration form. You can complete this online by clicking here.
An assessment fee of £75 is also eligible at this point which can be paid online at the time of registering. Alternatively if you wish to pay direct to our bank the details are as follows:
Name: Gateways Educational Trust
Sort Code: 60-60-05
Account Number: 86480995
Please notify the admissions department if you have paid via bacs.
In addition, where possible, the most recent copy of your child’s school report should be provided.
It is recommended that all pupils register early. Please note that registering your child does not guarantee a place. An offer is only made in step 3 of the application process (see below).
If your child is starting Nursery, you must commit to a minimum of 3 sessions a week and if your child is starting Pre-Reception you must commit to a minimum of 5 sessions a week.
Once registered, we encourage all prospective pupils to experience some time in school with their relevant year group. Our Registrar will arrange this with you.
Your child will be allocated buddies from the class who will look after them for the duration of their visit.
Younger pupils will be observed in the classroom environment throughout their visit whereas older applicants will be required to sit assessment tests suitable to their age group. Gateways is a non-selective school and the aim of these exams is to highlight any strengths or difficulties in order to ensure that Gateways is the most supportive environment for your child.
Please note that for entry into Year 7 there is an Entrance & Scholarship Assessment Day, held every year towards the end of January. Click here for more information.
During the visit, parents/carers (and children) may also meet with a senior member of staff (usually the Head of School) for an informal interview.
For children transferring from another school, reports from previous schools will also be taken into account before an offer is made.
Once an offer has been made, you will be asked to confirm your acceptance and pay the appropriate commitment fee (£500).
Most applicants join us at the start of the school year in September, however we can accommodate students at other times subject to availability.