The Careers Coordinator is Mrs Marlene Sharrock who is a Level 6 qualified Careers Advisor. Her email address is
We believe that a progressive programme of formal careers education, the provision and promotion of good quality careers information, and easy access to impartial advice and guidance is essential to ensure that pupils’ choices at crucial transition points in school reflect their individual needs, motivates them to work towards their aspirations and goals, and equips them with the skills and knowledge to manage their career pathways throughout their lives.
Careers support is included within the pastoral curriculum throughout the High School, with Lower 3 pupils in the Prep School offered an introductory Careers Day in preparation for the transition to High School.
Provision is continually analysed and developed in-line with the Gatsby Benchmarks (Good Career Guidance, 2014) and the DfE legislation Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers (July 2021) and the CDI Career Development Frameworks (Secondary: April 2021 and Primary: Sept 2021). The Careers Coordinator is responsible for managing the provision and promotion of careers information, delivering lessons and one-to-one guidance meetings, and implementing events and links with employers, HE and FE providers, and representatives from across career sectors. The Head of Sixth Form, form tutors and subjects teachers further enhance provision bringing experience, subject-relevance, and great awareness of each individual pupil to the provision. Allied to this support, the school commissions services from an experienced external Careers Adviser across the school year to supplement and extend independent guidance for pupils.
Please see the programme outlines for each school year which show formal careers activities and events. The Careers Coordinator complements this programme with informal lunchtime drop-in sessions covering a range of topics and issues reflecting the needs of pupils at different stages within the High School. Pupils can also access the Careers Coordinator on an ad hoc basis as needed, and book additional individual guidance meetings.
Departments add crucial subject support in a range of ways, such as, organising visits to subject-specific events, participating in enterprise activities and challenges, maintaining careers displays and information, and including discussions within lessons on skill building and careers relevant to their subject areas. The school House system and Community Outreach programmes offer further opportunities for the development of essential career skills and experiences.