Exam Results

In this section:

Gateways Exam Results Headlines 2023

A Level pupils 2023

A Level

Summary of highlights :

  • A third of all entries were awarded at grade A* – A
  • The Art & Design, Music, Spanish and Classics departments all enjoyed 100% A*/A grades
  • 100% pass rate overall
  • 100% of pupils secured their 1st or 2nd choice UniversitiesĀ 

To read more of the detail click the link at the top right of this section.



Summary of highlights :

  • Almost a quarter of all GCSE grades were awarded at grades 8 or 9.
  • 51% achieved GCSEs at grade 7 and above compared to a national picture of just 22% of all entries being graded in this range.

To read more of the detail click the link at the top right of this section.