Why Sixth Form?

Our new Sixth Form Centre is situated in a totally refurbished building adjacent to Gateways School. It has been designed as a working space with different zones created for different ways of working. Additional facilities include a café space and a 6th Form only gym containing cardio equipment such as Peloton bikes as well as strength machines/free weights. Students still benefit from our small class sizes and can experience independence with all the facilities of Gateways School around the corner!



Academic learning in the Sixth Form at Gateways is supported by a structured enrichment programme. An individual’s wider experience and development is given careful consideration by universities and prospective employers and our programme will enable students to demonstrate a number of skills beyond the classroom.

Community Outreach

A compulsory part of Sixth Form life is to commit to volunteering for charities and projects in the wider community. Each year group nominates and fundraises for their own chosen charity; the Community Outreach prefects assist the High School with these events.  Upper 6 also help organise whole school yearly fundraising events such as Children in Need and Comic Relief/Sport Relief.

EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)

The EPQ is a qualification that prepares students for tertiary level education and is highly regarded by university admissions officers. It offers students a free project choice so they can explore in depth an aspect of a subject they are studying or a topic in which they have a personal interest.

The students then produce a 5,000 word project or may produce an artefact. Preparation for the writing project includes visits to university libraries and sessions on how to undertake individual research.

Advanced Certificate of Speech

This is a highly regarded qualification designed by the English Speaking Board for Sixth Form students. It is valuable both for those going onto Higher Education and for those who will be entering the work place. Evaluation focuses on the ability to marshal thoughts, present them cogently and clearly, and argue persuasively from a basis of intelligent and perceptive listening.

External Speakers

Throughout Sixth Form we arrange for external speakers to present on a variety of topics and areas of interest.

Developing Leadership Skills

Students develop their leadership qualities in many ways throughout their time in Sixth Form. Initially, in Lower Sixth they are instructed by the Prefect body how to present themselves as role models and undertake a variety of duties at break and lunchtimes. In Lower Sixth, they lead the House, organising music, sporting, drama, charity and general whole school events, often with minimal staff input. At the end of their first year in Sixth Form, pupils are invited to apply for one of our prefect roles covering a wide area such as sports, arts, community outreach and whole school liaison.

Preparation for University & Careers

At the start of Lower 6, students are provided with guidance through the university application process. Mock interviews are arranged with a variety of professionals to help students prepare. Personal and academic tutors offer support to students on completing their personal statement and university application form.

Throughout the Sixth Form there is a carefully constructed and comprehensive careers programme involving internal and external careers advisors, careers fairs and a series of group and individual interviews.

For more information on University and Careers preparation at Gateways Sixth Form please click here. 

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Programme

Gateways is a licensed Duke of Edinburgh Award Centre. Sixth Form students are encouraged to plan and undertake an expedition with the support and training of qualified experts. There is the opportunity to test inner strength through a supervised trek in untamed countryside in order to attain a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, which is presented at St James’ Palace.

A Day in the life of ...

Sadie in Sixth Form


As soon as I arrive at the Sixth Form Centre, I sign in, get a hot chocolate then have a quick catch up with friends. This morning I have a free period so I'm discussing my business studies homework with a friend in the social working area.


I am taking sociology A Level and the lesson today is about the education system in the UK and how class status can affect this. My classes are small so there is lots of one-to-one time with the teacher and we have some great class discussions.


During break time, I usually go to the Sixth Form café. I’m catching up with a friend today about our EPQ topics. The EPQ is an additional qualification based on a subject of our choice, my research project is based on the rise of electronic cigarette use amongst 13 –18 years olds.


I usually have lunch in the café area in the Sixth Form Centre. There’s a good choice of fresh food and drinks and snacks. I catch up with friends and sometimes we'll walk over to the main school grounds .


The study booths are great for quiet working – I have an essay to write for psychology about the conformity of social roles and gender stereotyping which I’m working on and adding to the work we’ve covered in the lesson.


We finish at 4pm, sometimes I like to use the gym either in a free period or at the end of the day. I particularly enjoy using the peloton bike. Today I’m doing a Peloton session followed by some rowing, free weights, and a bit of yoga.

A Day In The Life


5th July 2024

Cherryvine – Summer 24

Below is a link to our Summer term issue of Cherryvine. In this issue, we focus on ‘success’, our outdoor education offering, as well as a round up of this term’s trips...

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8th April 2024

Cherryvine – Spring 24

Below is a link to our Spring term issue of Cherryvine.  In this issue, we focus on Early Years as well as a round up of this term’s trips and events which...

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15th December 2023

Cherryvine – Autumn 2023

Below is a link to our Autumn term issue of Cherryvine.  In this issue, we focus on ‘growth’ as well as a round up of this term’s trips and events which included...

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