*Ballet (Trans – U1)
Ballet Techniques covered according to the IDTA ballet syllabus.
*Creative Dance (Trans – U1)
In creative dance lessons pupils will look at fun ways to explore dance using their own imaginations, visual tools and different types of music. For the younger ones there is a focus on natural movement as well as an introduction to the principles of dance. For the older children a wider range of styles are explored, building on coordination, musicality, improvisation skills and learning dance routines.
Sports Practise (Hockey/Football/Cricket) (U1 – L2) (U2-L3)
Introduction of game play and rules and a chance to develop skills. This sports club focuses on a different sport each term
*Individual Music Lessons (U1 – U6)
30 minute lessons taught by our peripatetic teachers. Lessons available include Piano, Singing Violin, Guitar, Drums and woodwind instruments including Clarinet and Flute. Lessons for pupils in U1-U4 are taught throughout the school day on a rotating basis (so pupils do not miss the same part of the day each week). Priority is given to GCSE and A Level students for lessons before or after school or during free periods.
*Karate (AK) (Trans – L1) (U1-L3)
A Karate class run by external provider A.K Family Karate and Fitness which provides students with realistic and accessible self-defence strategies. It is a blend of different disciplines and styles of martial arts which draws on “Tang soo do” boxing and freestyle kick boxing. Students grade from white belt (beginners) through to black belt and Dan status. To view the AK Karate website please click here.
Netball (U1 – L3)
Introducing basic skills, incorporating match play and developing game awareness.
**Prep Choir
Every pupil in Key Stage 2 (Upper 1, Lower 2, Upper 2 and Lower 3) take part in a weekly choir rehearsal in preparation for the Prep Carol Service, a Spring Concert, and other special events. This is timetabled within the school day.
Prep Orchestra
This small ensemble meet on Tuesday lunchtimes and have specialist instruction from woodwind and string teachers. The Orchestra will perform to parents and in assembly from time to time.
Rounders (L1-L2) (U2-L3)
Introduction of game play and rules and a chance to develop skills. Played in the Summer term.
School Council (Prep)
The Prep School Council meet every half term to discuss any current ideas and initiatives. The Council is led by members of Lower 3 (Year 6) with a representative from each class within the Prep School also present.
* Speech and Drama (U1-U6)
L M Stage School deliver speech and drama lessons. Working with small groups or individuals following the New Era Academy Syllabus of graded examinations. In a variety of communication, presentation and performance disciplines which support the curriculum, the aims are to:
• Develop high standards of speech, communication, presentation and performance
• Encourage an appreciation of literature, poetry and drama
• Encourage all learners to meet their potential
• Promote the personal, social, creative and intellectual development of the individual
• Acknowledge and record levels of achievement and progression
• Prepare learners for the opportunities and experience they will require in our contemporary society
• Children will be entered on age & ability; For solo or duologue examinations, they will receive a written report from their examiner & a certificate. Gain UCAS Tarff points for all level 3 examinations to augment university entry
Last year’s examination results had 100% pass rate with 99% gaining the highest score distinction.
*Street Jazz (L2 – L3)
A class where current music is used to create routines, building on movement memory, general fitness and fun!
Rugby/Tag Rugby (U1-L3)
Introducing the basics of rugby in a non-contact environment developing into basic contact rugby as skills advance according to the RFU rugby continuum.
Team Sports (Rec, Trans & L1)
Introduction to invasion games such as basketball, netball, hockey and rugby.
Mitchell Tennis (Rec – L1) (U1 – L3)Run throughout the year this class is designed to encourage balance, agility and co-ordination whilst helping to build each child’s self-confidence.
* These clubs are run by external providers and are charged for separately. Costs vary depending on the club/provider.
** Compulsory extra-curricular activities